We can accommodate more than 40 visitor boats at Queenborough, regularly welcoming individuals as well as larger clubs and groups. 

Click on the image of the harbour to the left to open full size.

  • 2 Grey visitor Buoys: maximum 6 boats on each
  • 2 Yellow visitors buoys: maximum 4 boats on each
  • ATL (all tide landing): The wooden pontoon has one berth (yellow section) and 2 vessels may raft together. Note that part of the ATL is for stays up to 20 minutes only, for filling water tanks and taking on crew. This section is free to use, though there is a heavy penalty if a vessel stays longer than 20 minutes. The skipper must remain with the vessel.
  • Pontoon: This large pontoon can take approximately 15 vessels, rafting is permitted up to 4 deep. Only the channel side (West face) is open to visitors.
  • Empty mooring buoys: mooring holder buoys will be available from time to time when mooring holders are on holiday- please ask a member of staff for availability.

Pontoon prices

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