Queenborough Harbour Trust manage moorings in the Creek and Harbour. These include:

Drying moorings alongside the Town Quay

Annual price is £1,890 for a single berth or £945 per boat where two boats occupy the same berth.


Starting from £1072 (maximum 11m). All tide swinging moorings may dry out at low water, depending on height of tide and wind direction - please ask our staff for more information.


Annual price is £3,074 for a vessel up to 10m


Starting from £679 (maximum 9m)


Starting from £1058 (maximum 9m)

  • Access to swinging and fore/ aft moorings is possible by our trot boat service which runs throughout the peak season to take berth holders to and from their boat and to take visitors ashore in comfort and safety (see more below). If you moor alongside the new pontoon, you can of course get ashore without the aid of the trot boat.
  • Mooring holders may berth on the pontoon for lunch or overnight as a “Visitor” for half price.
  • There is a secure dinghy/tender park at Queenborough and a tender rack on the ATL (all tide landing), both with 24-hour access (charges apply). Mooring holders will be provided with a keypad code for the All Tide Landing security gate.


Annual mooring holders are required to pay in full for their berth, complete an application form and provide a copy of their vessel’s insurance certificate BEFORE taking up a mooring.

Mooring charges run from the 1st of the month the mooring is taken (i.e – if you take a annual berth on 11th May, you will pay for the period 1st May – 30th April next year) All mooring charges include the use of the trot boat during running hours. 

Visitor fees are payable to the Harbour staff who collect money direct from visiting boats or at the Harbour Office located on the Pontoon. Payment may be made by credit/debit card, cash, bank transfer, or a payment link can be sent directly to your phone.

ACCESSING YOUR VESSEL - trot boat service

The trot boat service running from the ATL is free to mooring holders and to visitors who have paid for an overnight or short stay mooring. Trot boat hours are shown below; however, we ask you to appreciate that there may be wait times if our staff are busy or attending to other duties.

During quiet periods, especially in the Spring & Autumn, these times may vary. If in doubt, please contact the Harbour Office. Outside these hours, it may be possible to request the trot boat, in which case the cost will be £10.00 per return journey. Please do not rely on the trot boat service outside working hours.

  • May to September  Every day                                    10am to 9:00pm
  • October to April    Everyday                                     10am to 5:00pm